Isku xirrada

War Deg-Deg ah

Abaaraha Sanaag iyo Nugaal

A street vendor sells umbrellas in front of destroyed police cars at the Taskim square in Istanbul, Turkey. Protests in Istanbul and several other Turkish cities appear to have subsided, after days of fierce clashes following a police crackdown on a peaceful gathering as protesters denounced what they see as Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's increasingly authoritarian style.
A street vendor sells umbrellas in front of destroyed police cars at the Taskim square in Istanbul, Turkey. Protests in Istanbul and several other Turkish cities appear to have subsided, after days of fierce clashes following a police crackdown on a peaceful gathering as protesters denounced what they see as Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's increasingly authoritarian style.

Gobolada Sanaag iyo Nugaal ayaa wali waxa ka jira abaaro ba'an oo waxyeeleey dad iyo duunyo labadaba

Gobolada Sanaag iyo Nugaal ayaa wali waxa ka jira abaaro ba'an oo waxyeeleey dad iyo duunyo labadaba.

In kasta oo ay roobab yar oo ka da'ay meelaha qaar haddana kuma filaanin inuu waraabiyo dhulkii iyo xoolihii abaarta la il darnaa.

Wareysi iyo warbixin ku saabsan abaaraha ka jira labada gobol ee Sanaag iyo Nugaal qeybta hoose ka dhageyso.