Today’s fighting to control the town took place between the militia forces of Hiszbul Islam, an armed militia believed to be in alliance with the insurgents that fight the government on the one hand, and forces of the Ahlu Sunnah Wal-Jama, in alliance with the transitional government, on the other hand.
Asserting to have gained an upper hand in its engagement against the armed militia of the Ahlu Sunnah, Hisbul Islam claimed that it killed several members of the other side. Hisbul Islam admitted the fact that all of them were not killed while in combating action. Rather, two of the dead had been beheaded after captured alive, according to remarks given by Hizbul Islam officials.
It is often difficult to report on who controls the town. The situation remains tense and uncertain as the two forces prepare themselves for farther rounds of engagement.
Beledweyne owns important location because of its proximity and strategic linkage with many regions in Somalia and Ethiopia.