Isku xirrada

War Deg-Deg ah

Garsoore Kennedy oo shaqada ka tagaya

Supreme Court Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy speaks during a swearing in ceremony for Judge Neil Gorsuch as an associate justice of the Supreme Court in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, April 10, 2017.
Supreme Court Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy speaks during a swearing in ceremony for Judge Neil Gorsuch as an associate justice of the Supreme Court in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, April 10, 2017.

Garsoore Anthony Kennedy, oo ah xubin ka mid ah sagaalka garsoore ee Maxkamada Sare ee dalkan Mareykanka ayaa shaley oo arbaco ahayd sheegay inuu shaqada howlgab ka noqon doono.

Waxuu garsoorahaasi sheegay inuu madaxweynaha dalka Mareykanka Donald Trump siin doono fursadii labaad inuu soo magacaabo garsoore kale.

Kennedy, oo ah 81 jir ayaa had iyo goor codkiisa meel muuqata dhigi jirey marka ay jiraan dacwado maxkmadda horyaalla. 30 kii sano ee ugu dambeeyey ee uu joogay shaqadan, ayaa waxaa go’aamada meelaha adag uu ka istaagay ka mid ahaa ilmo iska soo rididda, xuquuqda dadka isku jinsiga noqda, iyo xuquuqda codeynta.

Garsoore Kennedy oo shaqada ka tegaya
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