Isku xirrada

War Deg-Deg ah

Dhaqanka iyo Hiddaha # 126

A mother holds her son as they watch the eruption of Mount Sinabung at Berastepu village in Karo district, Indonesia's North Sumatra province. More than 22,000 villagers have been evacuated since authorities raised the alert status for the volcano to the highest level in November.
A mother holds her son as they watch the eruption of Mount Sinabung at Berastepu village in Karo district, Indonesia's North Sumatra province. More than 22,000 villagers have been evacuated since authorities raised the alert status for the volcano to the highest level in November.
Dhaqanka iyo Hidaha qeybtii 9aad ee sheekooyinkii Willwaal. Xeerarkii uu soo roggay wiilwaal ee tabaha dagaal aqoonta.
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